Join the Alpinaut community

Alpinaut is a new concept of a adventure sports points of interest search engine.

And the Alpinaut community is the most modern community of people that practice outdoor sports like rock and ice climbing, caving, canyoning, hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, mountain biking, via ferrata...

Benefits of registered users

  • Contact width all the Alpinaut comunity members.
  • Direct publication, widthout moderation.
  • A personal profile.
  • Personal portfolio width your spots, files, links, photos...
  • Mark favorite spots.
  • Etc.

Date de alta para compartir tu experiencia con los demàs usuarios de la comunidad Alpinaut:
Introduce reseñas, sube fotos y videos, comenta puntos, informate del estado de las vias, busca compañeros de aventura...
Todo ello es lo que te permite ser miembro de la comunidad Alpinaut.


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