Hiking: Aconcagua 

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[es] Vista desde Plaza de Mulas
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Rock climbing
Sport climbing
Ice climbing
Mountain biking
Via ferrata
Scuba diving
Skin diving
Free flying
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Ushuaia [Snowshoeing]
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World > South America > Brazil > Rio de Janeiro (1,757.9 Km / 1,092.3 Mi)
Pico do itacolomi [Sport climbing]
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El peñòn [Caving]
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Pacaya [Hiking]
World > North America > Guatemala > ...otros (3,267.1 Km / 2,030.1 Mi)
Cañon subterraneo Rio Xumulá [Canyoning]
World > North America > Mexico > Chiapas (3,474.7 Km / 2,159.1 Mi)
Tirolesa de los 500 escalones [Other]
World > North America > Mexico > Veracruz-Llave > Orizaba: Barrio Nuevo (3,699.1 Km / 2,298.5 Mi)
Santa Catarina [Sport climbing]
World > North America > Mexico > Veracruz-Llave > Rio Blanco: Orizaba (3,700.8 Km / 2,299.6 Mi)